When it comes to making yourself look and smell better, you probably focus on the aspects everyone can see. But there’s a big part of our bodies that isn’t seen by the world – a particular area that you probably consider quite important.
I’m talking about your junk! You want to keep your stuff as clean and fresh as possible so that it doesn’t stink or cause hygiene issues. What can you do to make sure your crotch is clean, fresh, and smelling nice? Here are some quick tips that’ll go a long way.
1. Manscape
Long gone are the days where it was considered feminine to keep a tidy downstairs. Nowadays, a lot of guys keep their junk trimmed, and doing so will most definitely help you keep things fresh and clean. After all, it’s easier to lather up and keep things clean when there isn’t a giant bush in the way. And trust us, your partners will thank you, too!
There are quite a few shavers designed specifically for working on the sensitive genital areas. For example, there’s the Philips Norelco Bodygroom Series 7000 for a decent price and the Panasonic Electric Body Hair Trimmer is a little cheaper.
2. Use Special Crotch Soap
You might think that you can just use any old body wash on your junk – and technically, you’d be right. But if you really want to make sure your family jewels are clean and smelling good, you should think about getting some crotch soap.
One such option that we’ve tested is Ballwash by Ballsy. It’s a charcoal wash with coconut oil, aloe vera, and some extra stuff that’ll make your junk smell good (it can be used on the rest of your body, too, if you want). If you prefer a bar version, try Ballsy Bar Soap. Read more about Dave’s personal experience using Ballsy products.
3. Use Baby Powder or Lotion
Which one you choose will depend on the state of your crotch. If you find that you sweat excessively down there, you’ll want to use baby powder to keep things dry. But if you go the other way and find that you get chaffing on your inner thighs, you should grab some gentle lotion to keep things moisturized.
There are plenty of male-targeted body powders out there that won’t have you smelling like a baby. The Chassis Premium ICE Body Powder is pretty cheap for a giant bottle, as is the Gold Bond Men’s Essential Talc-Free Body Powder. While you get a little less with Dude Products Body Powder, it’s incredible at keeping the stank away.
4. Wear Good Underwear
Underwear is one of the most under-appreciated pieces of clothing. We put so much effort into creating stylish outfits, and then we throw on whatever pair of underwear we happen to have next in the rotation. Start wearing quality underwear and you’ll be amazed at how comfortable you are and how much more comfortable your crotch feels.
A great option is Fruit of the Loom Men’s No Ride Up Boxer Brief. They’re not too expensive, and they have a vent in the fly for extra airflow.
5. Snag Some Groin Cologne
If you really want to take things to the next level, you can actually get some cologne that’s specifically designed for your balls. Seriously. These are more gentle than traditional colognes, which aren’t supposed to be used on sensitive areas. Groin colognes are typically solid, not a spray, and are meant to be rubbed on.
Check out Nut Rub by Ballsy, a waxy substance that you rub into your crotch area to keep everything smelling nice. Another cool product is ToppCock Silver Leave-On Hygiene for Man Parts, which is more of a gel. You can also use it on other parts of your body if you want to rock a nice smell that isn’t overpowering.
Don’t just stop at the crotch! If you’re skeptical on the important of smelling nice, see why colognes and perfumes are important for personal style and make sure you learn how to apply cologne properly.
6. Keep The Air Flowing

Nothing’s worse on a hot summer day than wearing tight jeans that might show off the backside nicely, but turn your crotch into the bog of eternal stench. The boys need some room to breathe or the sweat has no where to go. Not to mention, you’ll sweat a lot more in tight-fitting jeans. Try some slightly looser fitting jeans, such as some of these Levi’s options.
7. Wash Every Single Day (Or More)
We all know those guys who think it’s okay to just turn their underwear inside out when they haven’t done the laundry in a few days. First of all, just don’t. Buy more underwear or go commando instead. Second, your junk always needs to be washed daily and supported with a fresh pair of underwear.

If you’re going to the gym or it’s a particularly sweaty kind of day, take a minute to freshen up when you use the bathroom. If you’re stinky all over, take a second shower. You can also carry freshening wipes, such as DUDE Wipes, to keep all the important bits nice and fresh.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I sweat more than others?
If you suffer from chronic sweating that seems to be far worse than what most people around you are dealing with, it’s harder to keep the crotch clean and fresh. Hyperhidrosis Disorder (excessive sweating) is a treatable disorder. If you think you may have it, make an appointment with your doc ASAP.
Will unscented products keep me fresh?
If you have sensitive skin, scented products are just going to leave you itchy and sore. There are numerous unscented products for men on the market that help keep swamp crotch at bay and let your natural scent come through.
Image credit: John Fornander via Unsplash