The internet is packed with information about style. Modern Ratio is one of many websites out there with the goal of helping you look and feel your best.
Just because there’s so much information on the internet doesn’t mean that there isn’t a need for books. There’s just something about sitting down with a long-form piece of writing about a subject you’re interested in, and the world of style is no exception.
Today, we’re going to dig into the world of style books to find the best of the best. If you’re looking to do some reading that’ll help you gain a deeper understanding of dressing well and looking great, these are the books you need to have on your shelf and in your mind.
1. Dressing the Man: Mastering the Art of Permanent Fashion
Dressing the Man by Alan Flusser is all about timeless looks, so even though it was written in 2002, the advice offered in the book is just as relevant now as it was when it was first released. There’s advice on ties, scarves, suits, and just about every other timeless piece of clothing you could ever want to know about. Obviously, some of the items aren’t “in” right now, but you can apply the key principles covered in this book to just about look you want to achieve.
2. Effortless Outfits: The Men’s Guide to Matching Clothes for Powerful Impression in Personal and Professional Life
Effortless Outfits is all about understanding how to match your clothing. In order for an outfit to look good, all of the pieces need to play off of each other, and this book will teach you everything you need to know about making take happen. The book has a solid 4.8-rating on Amazon from over 100 reviews, so it’s definitely worth a read if you find yourself struggling to put together outfits that work.
3. Icons of Men’s Style
This book is all about the idea that men’s style evolves slowly. Icons of Men’s Style is all about looking at some most iconic pieces of menswear that were the first of their kind. This is a fantastic book that’ll serve as a tool for inspiring you to come up with your own outfits based on some of the most well-known clothing items in the history of men’s clothing.
4. True Style
If you’re interested in learning about the history of menswear, this is the book for you. But it’s not just about history, as this book will also provide all kinds of incredible tips that’ll help you put together stylish outfits. G. Bruce Boyer is an incredibly skilled fashion expert, and the advice offered in True Style will help you look your best.
5. Men and Style: Essays, Interviews & Considerations
Men and Style: Essays, Interviews & Considerations is a collection of essays and interviews about the world of menswear. The different perspectives offered in the book make it an invaluable piece to add to any style-conscious man’s collection. You’ll learn about the mistakes made by those who came before, which will help you improve your daily life.
6. 100 Years of Menswear
When it comes to historical looks at men’s fashion, there are few guides that are more comprehensive than 100 Years of Menswear. It’s filled with pictures and information that’ll help you understand how we got to where we are today. Whether you’re looking to become a professional in the fashion industry, or you’re just a guy who wants to look his best, this book is a fantastic one to own.
7. Style and the Man
Alan Flusser kicked off our list of books, and he also rounds it out with his fantastic title Style & The Man. According to Ralph Lauren, “Alan Flusser is one of the most knowledgeable experts on men’s fashion, and has created the ultimate reference for everything you need to know about good taste, great style, and where to find it throughout the world.” If that’s not high praise, I don’t know what is. If you want timeless style advice, this is the perfect book for you.