Your beard doesn’t grow in as thick as you’d like? Fear not, because there are some things you can do to fight that patchy beard and rock the facial hair you’ve always wanted!
1. Let It Grow Long
Sometimes, you need to ride out the early phase of beard growth to get through the patchy part. If you only give it a week to grow, you might completely miss out on the thicker beard that awaits you three weeks in. Sure, you might not look your best while it’s all patchy and growing in, but you might find that it’s worth it in the end.

Even if your beard doesn’t “get thicker” as it grows, the curly hairs on your face will look thicker and fuller when they’re longer. So buckle down and get ready to fight through the early phase to get to the illustrious beard at the end.
2. Use Beard Care Products
No, we’re not talking about some kind of magical product that’ll make your beard hair grow faster. I’m talking about using beard balm to style your beard so it hides the patchy areas. If you use balms with a stronger hold, you can actually push the hairs you do have over the patchy spots and create the illusion of a fuller beard.
This will require a little bit of effort on your part since you’ll need to spend some time styling your beard every day, but if you really want to rock a beard when your genetics are fighting against you, these are the sacrifices you’ll have to make.
3. Trim Your Beard Where It Isn’t Patchy
If your patchy beard problems are just in a specific area, say on the cheeks or around your mouth, then just shave those areas and wear a beard style that doesn’t involve those areas.

If the parts higher on your cheeks don’t grow in well, then you can wear your beard lower – more like a chin strap. If your mustache doesn’t connect with your beard, then shave that area and make the lines sharp so it looks like you’re disconnecting them on purpose. It’s all about embracing the facial hair you do have!
4. Grab Some Beard Dye
Using some beard dye to darken up the hairs will make them look thicker than they are. This will only work if your beard is just a little patchy, as darkening up the existing hairs can only do so much. However, if you combine dying your beard with properly styling, you can do a pretty good job of hiding your patchiness.
Just For Men makes some pretty cheap beard dye that’s easy enough to use. Even if your beard isn’t patchy, but just thin, you should find that darkening it will give the illusion of extra thickness, which is what we’re all looking for.
5. Stubble It Up!
If you go almost bald, but you leave just a couple millimeters of hair, your patchiness won’t be that visible, but you’ll still get a slightly darker jawline and the masculinity that a beard brings. Just make sure you’re taking the steps required to properly rock a stubble beard. It’s not as simple as just not shaving for a few days!

When it comes to stubble beards, you can’t really tell whether or not the hairs are coming in patchy because they’re so short. It can be a great compromise that’ll still let you have a beard without that awkward middle phase all guys dread.
6. Take Better Care of Yourself
Working extra long hours? Feeling overly stressed? Maybe you’re living off junk food to save time. Your patchy beard may be a sign you need to take better care of yourself. While this isn’t the case for every guy out there, periods of high stress, major changes in your life, lack of exercise, and a poor diet can all cause hair growth problems, both on your head and face.

Start by trying to get more sleep at night. This gives your body time to rest and heal from stress. You can also try these tips for reducing anxiety and stress.
Try adding more protein, zinc, iron, and vitamins B, C, and D to your diet. Also, if you’re not getting much biotin naturally, consider taking a biotin supplement. Talk to your doctor first to see if a supplement is right for you.
7. Brush and Condition Your Beard
Even if you just have some scruff, you’ve still got to take care of it if you want to grow it out. A beard brush helps stimulate growth and distributes oils. For those just starting out, brush over the patches to keep them growing. As the hair grows, it should start filling in the empty areas.
At the same time, use beard oil and balm to condition your beard and face. This help boosts not only the health of the hair currently growing, but the follicles even in those hard to grow areas. Grow Alpha Beard Beard Care Kit has everything you need to get started.
8. Try Sea Salt Spray
Trying to mask a patchy beard could be as easy as using sea salt spray, such as Beardbrand Natural Sea Salt Spray for Men. This type of spray helps cleanse your beard, without stripping away essential oils from your skin. These sprays have Dead Sea salt in them which is full of nutrients to improve the health of your skin and hair follicles.
When you spritz this into your beard, it cleanses, volumizes, and helps you better style your beard. For patchy beards, the extra volume helps mask patchy spots. Plus, the nutrients may help those patchy areas fill in faster.
9. Shave It All the Way
Obviously, this is the last resort, but some people just don’t have the genetics to grow a beard. You can use all the products you want to help your beard grow fuller, and you can try all the tips we’ve outlined here, and you may just have to accept that you need to rock a clean-shaven face.

Sadly, there’s no miracle tonic out there. So rock that clean-shaven face with pride and confidence and you’ll do just fine!
10. Get a Beard Transplant
I know it sounds crazy, but beard transplants are a legitimate cosmetic option. It won’t be gentle on your budget, but it is an option.
If you want to know more about getting a beard transplant, this article from Men’s Journal breaks down all the details of the procedure and should help you make an educated decision on whether it’s right for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my beard coming in patchy?
Your age, genetics, health, and testosterone levels can all impact how your beard grows. If you are 25 or under, patchiness is normal. In fact, many men don’t experience full growth until after 25.
How long should I wait for my patches to disappear?
It takes anywhere from 90-120 days for a beard to fully fill in. Until then, patches may be a problem since hair doesn’t always come in evenly. So, be patient.
Will minoxidil help?
Minoxidil is the key ingredient in Rogaine and similar hair growth products. While some men have seen results, others haven’t. However, do your research first before using it as this ingredient does have some side effects.
Image credit: Pixabay